Informatics Corporation of America (ICA), the venture formed by Vanderbilt University three years ago, has been moving ahead with the ease only a well-capitalized company enjoys, picking up a couple of prominent customers as early proof of the value of healthcare informatics products initially developed at VU Medical Center. Enviably, ICA has exclusive right for "all aspects of marketing the products, future releases of new products, access to VMC resources and use of VMC as a reference site." Now, ICA CEO Gary Zegiestowsky (
at left) is stepping-up promotion of the company's ties to Vanderbilt -- in the process, illuminating a
board of directors that includes entrepreneur, investor and VUMC Vice Chancellor Harry Jacobson; VUMC Informatics Center Director and Associate Vice Chancellor Bill Stead; and, among others, Voyent Partners founder and former ENVOY CEO Fred Goad. In a
release published yesterday in the wake of
U.S. News & World Report's latest hospital "Honor Roll," in which
VUMC ranked 15th overall, Jacobson says, “Our [VUMC's] performance in all categories—most importantly in our efficiency of operation and our ability to drive out variability of practice—has been heavily dependent on leveraging the tools ICA provides.” In a recent review of VUMC strategic priorities,
Jacobson cited ICA's strategic role. ICA. originally named Star Technologies, is considered one of Nashville's best hopes for becoming "
The Silicon Valley of Healthcare."
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