Playing connect-the-dots has been a lifelong passion. Today, I'm thinking ConnectivHealth and DigiScript should sit down and talk. This was prompted partly by ConnectivHealth's release of a survey of what media physicians favor. True, the touted answers somewhat predictably point to ConnectivHealth's product portfolio, but that doesn't mean the results are invalid. So, as I got to imagining why docs wouldn't like getting info via a PDA -- maybe they've got too many gadgets and pagers on their belts, a'ready -- I thought of another local company, DigiScript, which happens to have filed for debtor-in-possession
ConnectivHealth uses its infomagic slicer and dicer to create trusted content streams.
DigiScript offers training, event and rich-media services. Can either of these businesses scale profitably, without many more M&As and tranches than they've done?
ConnectivHealth has positioned itself as the digital health roll up in Nashville and the nation. There has been a lot of money invested in Digiscript and they have some good technology. The question is...
Is there really a value proposition and revenue stream to adding training, event rich media to the CH distribution channels. The other question is whether or not Digiscript could be rolled into ConnectivHealth at a value price, which would seem likely at this point. ConnectivHealth can definitely scale with their model of content channels to physicians, hospitals, and schools.
Great to have such venture-savvy comments from Tod Fetherling, soon-to-be new head of the Nashville Technology Council. Awhile back, Tod sold his Relegent company to ConnectivHealth, which has also been tweaking its management team.
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